Saturday, March 6, 2010

my hatroulette.

!!!! Look at this stunning gorgeous etc hat! I found it at a vintage store first picking it up with a giant question mark but then I put it on my head and then it turned into an exclamation mark and then a heart.

I also finished making a simple sack dress that looks horrible if you don't belt it. I accidentally hemmed it too much (note I had no iron at the time.... so someone suggested licking and pounding it. so I did. THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID HYUCK HYUCK) so it just falls right off me. So I had to put scarf and vest over so my nana-nana's wouldn't spill all over the place.
Hung out my friend Jon and with the innnerweb aka the sensation Chatroulette. This guy had an impressive basement full of action figures.

This is what you get 90% of the time. Dicks left and right. Jon and I are pretending to be really into it.
Or 16 year olds asking to show them your titties. Rull charming.


Grace said...

Hi I stalked you here from WIWT and think you're great! I adore that skirt! So cute.


velva kelly said...

:D !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think you're super great too! I think it's because I genuinely believe you must be a faerie.

fooollooowing youuuuu~